ASTA Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL)

An example of how the impact on daily life of arrhythmia can be presented.
Based on 2493 patients with atrial fibrillation, separatly for men and women.
Here the proportion of patients who answered any of the “Yes-options” to each question, presented from lowest to highest incidence.

The 13 issues related to health-related quality of life:

  • Do you feel unable to work, study or carry out daily activities as you would like to due to your arrhythmia?
  • Do you spend less time with your family/relatives and friends than you would like to due to your arrhythmia?
  • Do you spend less time with acquaintances (people you do not know that well) than you would like to due to your arrhythmia?
  • Do you avoid planning things you would like to do, for instance travelling or leisure activities due to your arrhythmia?
  • Is your physical ability impaired due to your arrhythmia?
  • Is your ability to concentrate impaired due to your arrhythmia?
  • Do you feel dejected or sad due to your arrhythmia?
  • Do you feel irritated or angry due to your arrhythmia?
  • Do you experience sleep problems due to your arrhythmia?
  • Is your sexual life affected negatively by your arrhythmia?
  • Are you afraid of dying due to your arrhythmia?
  • Has your life situation deteriorated due to your arrhythmia?
  • Do you feel worried that your symptoms will re-occur during the periods when you do not have arrhythmia?

Answer options

  • Yes, a lot
  • Yes, quite a lot
  • Yes, to some extent
  • No